Answer a quote

Personalized rental quotes from car owners

At FlynCar, we've introduced a feature that allows car owners to send customized rental quotes directly to you. This streamlines the process of securing a booking, ensuring a seamless experience.

Receiving and responding to a quote

As a potential renter, you may receive a personalized quote via email or a link. This quote includes all the essential details for your potential booking:

  • Car details: Information about the specific car being offered.

  • Rental dates & times: When you’ll pick up and return the car.

  • Owner profile: Information about the car owner.

  • Delivery location: Where you can pick up or have the car delivered.

  • Extra options: Any additional features or services offered.

  • Invoice details: A breakdown of the rental costs.

  • Help center access: For any assistance you might need.

A clear “Pay” button is provided for your convenience to proceed with the payment securely and swiftly.

Before Accepting the Quote

  1. Review the quote: Take your time to go over the details in the quote. Make sure everything meets your requirements.

  2. Payment process: By clicking “Pay”, you will be redirected to FlynCar’s payment platform. Here, you can either log in (if you're an existing user) or sign up (if you're new) and then securely complete your payment.

Need changes? If you wish to change any details in the quote, please contact the owner directly. They will update the quote as required. Learn more about how to connect with owners.

After Payment

Once your payment is completed, the booking will be added to your reservations, containing all the details from the quote.

Last updated

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